furnace failures

Facts About Furnaces

10 Surprising Facts About Furnaces

Facts About Furnaces We all enjoy the heat that our furnaces provide, but how much do you actually know about this extremely important appliance in your home? If you’d like to know more about the system that keeps your home warm in the winter, read on to learn 10 surprising facts about furnaces! 1. What […]

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Home Heating Safety - 8 Tips to Prevent House Fires

Home Heating Safety – 8 Tips to Prevent House Fires

Home Heating Safety Tips to Prevent House Fires Autumn has arrived and cooler weather is quickly approaching North Alabama. If you’re like many, you’re probably anxious to turn up the heater, fire up the fireplace, light some fall scented candles, and snuggle up under your favorite blanket. However, while you might be ready to turn

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Is Your Home Ready for Holiday Guests?

Is Your Home Ready for Holiday Guests?

Is Your Home Ready for Holiday Guests? The holiday season is upon us, but is your home ready for holiday guests? As many of us scramble to complete last minute preparations amidst this holiday dash, don’t forget to prepare your HVAC system if you are expecting guests. Having a comfortable home can make a huge

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HVAC Problems You Might Face This Winter

5 Common HVAC Problems You Might Face This Winter

5 Common HVAC Problems You Might Face This Winter Picture this, it’s a cold winter night when suddenly your heat quits working. You wake up to a freezing cold home, helpless, and needing service immediately! Many of us have been there, and it’s not an experience we’d like to go through again. That’s why we’re

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8 Signs Your Furnace May Need to Be Replaced

8 Signs Your Furnace May Need to Be Replaced

8 Signs Your Furnace May Need to Be Replaced If you’ve lived in Huntsville, Madison County, or any area of North Alabama for any period of time, you know that our weather is about as predictable as, well, the weather. Soon, you’re going to need your heating system, and you’re going to need it to

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stay warm and save money this winter

Stay Warm and Save Money This Winter In Madison County

Don’t sacrifice your comfort in order to obtain lower energy bills this winter! Stay warm AND save money by following these tips for cold Madison County weather. Change Filters Stay warm and save money Your air filters work to keep the air in your home clean by blocking airborne particulates from circulating through your ducts

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furnace failures

3 Most Common Furnace Failures – Garrison & Garrison

Furnace Failures Heating failures in the dead of winter are no joke, especially when coming from the source that heats your whole home: your furnace. However, not all furnace failures require a call for professional repair. Check out these common furnace failures to see if you can fix the problem yourself before needing to call

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